martes, 17 de marzo de 2015

My expectations for this semester??? Let it be~

Well…is really hard for me to think in any expectation, because I never make them in first place. I have always had the idea that if i make expectations i’ll be disapointed in some point, so i always let my life be.
The only thing that I know with sure, is that I will have five subjects, “Chronic and interview” (where we’ll have to write a lot), “Analysis of fixed image” (they talk about biology in this class!!),  “Interpersonal communication” (this is really interesting), “English III” (here I am,) and a CFG about arabs and islam, I took this one, cause I am really interested in they culture. I also think that I’m going to take another CFG, but something that make me expelled my lazyness, something  like dance. Well, i’m still thinking of it.

But, anyway, I think that this year is going to be tougher than the past year, because I am not only going to study, and reading, and writing, I am working too. So, obviously, I am going to be more tired and I will have much less time.

that's all... bye! :D

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