martes, 14 de abril de 2015

We are EXO

Hello!! Well, today i’m going to talk about music. I really love music, and I like almost every kind of it, in fact I can’t be a single day without listen music. Seriously.
I've always loved music in other languages, even if I can´t understand it, in my computer I have French, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, English, Portuguese and Korean songs. And today I’m going to talk about that last one.
If I remember well, since 2012 I’ve been listening Kpop, all starts because a friend of mine loved korean music and introduce it to me. That year I met EXO.
EXO is a Korean boy band (yes like backstreet boys, but not the same!) formed by 12 guys in the beginning, but now are only 10, 8 Koreans and 2 Chinese members. Since their debut they have reached a great popularity, they have won many sales awards, broke every kind of records that korea have, and won several prices on korean and Asian music festivals. Their songs are catchy, their dances are super synchronized and cool and the members of the group are really talented, funny and handsome guys.
I like to listen their music, and watching their videos. The only bad thing about them, are their fans. The most of EXO fans are teenage girls who thinks that the life of EXO belongs to them, so they are really scary and crazy and female fighters. The EXO fandom, called EXO-L, is hated by almost every other fandom inside the Kpop community. It’s kind of sad.
I want to say that EXO is not the only Korean group that I listen to, I like others too like Infinite, BTS, B1A4, etc. But recently EXO released a new album and I been listening to it every day. It’s so catchy!!

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